Rhododendron carolinianum Shrubland
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This mainly evergreen shrubland occurs on steep ridges and rock outcroppings, typically at 1040-1280 m (3400-4200 feet) elevation, in the mountains of western North Carolina. This community has at least 25% shrub cover and may occur as a dense shrubland, 2-4 m tall, or as a shorter, more open shrubland with areas of exposed rock with fruticose and crustose lichens, scattered mats of prostrate vegetation, and isolated clumps of herbaceous species. At least 50% of the total shrub cover is made up of Rhododendron carolinianum. Associated shrub species vary among occurrences, but can include Kalmia latifolia, Lyonia ligustrina var. ligustrina, Vaccinium corymbosum, Vaccinium pallidum, Fothergilla major, Acer rubrum, Ilex montana, and low-growing Gaylussacia baccata and Leiophyllum buxifolium. Some occurrences may have occasional stunted trees of Pinus pungens or Pinus rigida. More open occurrences have significant cover by mats of Selaginella tortipila and scattered herbaceous species such as Galax urceolata, Hypericum densiflorum, Carex umbellata, Danthonia sericea, Coreopsis major, Liatris pilosa (= Liatris graminifolia), Xerophyllum asphodeloides, and Schizachyrium scoparium. High solar irradiation and desiccating winds, in combination with the shallow, nutrient-poor soils, are key environmental factors influencing this community. This community often occurs adjacent to or grades into xeric forests and woodlands dominated by Pinus pungens, Tsuga caroliniana, or Quercus prinus. This community is known from areas of quartzite and meta-arkose geology in Linville Gorge Wilderness (Newell and Peet 1994).
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