EcoArt 2002
This alliance contains a variety of bedrock- or substrate-influenced, fire-dependent, dry-mesic woodlands with either shallow soils (e.g., over bedrock) or deep, sandy soils. Abundant trees are ~Quercus alba, Quercus falcata, Quercus marilandica, Quercus stellata, Quercus velutina, Crataegus$ spp., and ~Pinus echinata$. In western Arkansas, ~Quercus rubra$ may be a canopy dominant. Taller shrubs include ~Crataegus$ spp., ~Rhus aromatica, Vaccinium arboreum$, and ~Vaccinium pallidum$. ~Schizachyrium scoparium$ is a common herbaceous species. Others that may be present include ~Andropogon gerardii, Helianthus microcephalus, Polygonella americana, Sorghastrum nutans$, and ~Solidago odora$. Lichens and mosses are often found in drier stands of this alliance. Stands of this alliance are found on gentle to steep hills, plains, and ridges. Soils are well- to very rapidly drained and very shallow to deep (10-100 cm). Parent material is sand, chert, sandstone, or, rarely, igneous rock with areas of rock or residuum present at the surface. The various associations placed in this alliance include rare fire-maintained diabase and granite woodlands of the Piedmont of Virginia, ~Quercus alba$-dominated woodlands of the Ozarks, and ~Quercus rubra$-dominated woodlands of the Ouachitas.
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