Rhododendron catawbiense - Pieris floribunda Shrubland
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
Dense, montane shrub thickets dominated by Rhododendron catawbiense and Pieris floribunda, typically at elevations over 1670 m (5500 feet), on steep, rocky, dry, southwestern to southeastern exposures. This shrubland does not occur north of the Asheville Basin and is known from occurrences in the Balsam Mountains (Devils Courthouse, Silvermine Bald, Shining Rock, Tanasee Bald, Mt. Pisgah). Other shrub species can include Photinia melanocarpa (= Aronia melanocarpa), Kalmia latifolia, Amelanchier laevis, Ilex montana, Prunus serotina, Sorbus americana, Vaccinium stamineum, Vaccinium pallidum, and Vaccinium erythrocarpum. Herb cover is sparse beneath the dense shrub canopy but may include such species as Dennstaedtia punctilobula, Oclemena acuminata (= Aster acuminatus), Eurybia chlorolepis (= Aster chlorolepis), Eurybia macrophylla (= Aster macrophyllus), Carex pensylvanica, Galax urceolata, Listera smallii, and Prenanthes sp. (Newell and Peet 1996). This community occurs adjacent to spruce - fir and Northern hardwood forests and montane grasslands dominated by Danthonia compressa and Carex pensylvanica. This community typically is of shorter stature on the most exposed sites over 1830 m (6000 feet) elevation.
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