Quercus laurifolia - Quercus phellos - Quercus nigra / Viburnum dentatum - (Sebastiania fruticosa) / Carex glaucescens Upper West Gulf Flatwoods Forest
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This hardwood flatwoods forest is one of several described types known to occur in the Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas, and probably Arkansas and Louisiana, as well as in the West Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas. It is found on broad, seasonally wet flats on high Pleistocene terraces which are not typically affected by overbank flooding from streams or rivers. The local landscape in which this type occurs is topographically variable with alternating mounds and depressions. Mounds may be only a few feet higher than depressions, but the difference contributes to local vegetation differences which are represented by different associations. As currently described, this association encompasses vegetation occurring in swales with varying hydroperiods and/or possibly varying soil nutrients, primarily areas with fairly substantial hydroperiods. The vegetation is characterized by Quercus laurifolia in the canopy often occurring with Quercus phellos. Understory components may include Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Nyssa biflora, Sebastiania fruticosa, Sabal minor, Cephalanthus occidentalis, and Cornus foemina. Areas with apparently slightly shorter hydroperiods or differing soil nutrients, characterized by a mixture of hydric to mesic oaks and other hardwoods in the canopy, including Quercus phellos which is often dominant, Quercus pagoda, Quercus michauxii, Quercus nigra, Nyssa biflora, and Fraxinus pennsylvanica, are accommodated by other associations. Subcanopy components include Crataegus marshallii, Carpinus caroliniana, Ulmus alata, Ilex opaca, Liquidambar styraciflua, Acer rubrum, and Ulmus americana.
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