Schizachyrium scoparium - Aristida dichotoma - Croton willdenowii / Lichens Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation
Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
This sandstone glade community is found in the Ozark region of the south-central United States. Stands occur as outcrops along narrow ridges, on bluff escarpments, on rolling upland exposures, or on broad conical knobs. Parent material is sandstone, and aspect is somewhat neutral, with best development of the type occurring on south- and west-facing slopes. Soils are very shallow (0-40 cm), with occasional vernal pools. The vegetation is dominated by mid grasses and forbs; mosses and lichens are very abundant on areas of exposed rock. Scattered stunted xerophytic trees and shrubs are also present, in particular Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica, Pinus echinata, Juniperus virginiana, and Vaccinium arboreum. Common herbaceous plants include Aristida dichotoma, Coreopsis grandiflora (in Arkansas), Croton willdenowii, and Schizachyrium scoparium. Other characteristic herbs include Asclepias hirtella, Chaetopappa asteroides, Croton capitatus, Diodia teres, Eragrostis spectabilis, Isoetes butleri, Lechea mucronata (= Lechea villosa), Plantago pusilla, Hypericum gentianoides, Hypericum drummondii, Saxifraga texana, Sedum pulchellum, Sedum nuttallianum, Talinum calycinum, and Talinum parviflorum.
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