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Quercus prinus - Quercus rubra - Carya ovalis / Solidago (ulmifolia, arguta) - Galium latifolium Forest | Fleming, G. P., and P. P. Coulli...
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Name: Quercus prinus - Quercus rubra - Carya ovalis / Solidago (ulmifolia, arguta) - Galium latifolium Forest
Reference: Fleming, G. P., and P. P. Coulli...
Description: This community type is currently known from scattered locations on the northern Virginia Blue Ridge. Occurrences on the Maryland Blue Ridge and in the Ridge and Valley of Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland are possible. Optimal sites are middle-elevation mountain slopes and summits underlain by metasiltstone and phyllite of the Harper's Formation. Elevation ranges from 390-995 m (1280-3260 feet), but the type is most common between 700 and 900 m (2400-3000 feet). A few sites occur over Catoctin metabasalt. The type usually occupies middle to upper slopes and narrow ridge crests. The moisture potential of plot-sampling sites was assessed as submesic or subxeric. Slopes vary from steep to sublevel, with aspects ranging from northeast to west. This association has an open, mixed canopy dominated by several oaks and hickories. Trees tend to be slightly stunted (often <20 m tall) on the drier and more exposed sites. Quercus prinus and Carya ovalis are the most abundant canopy species, but Quercus rubra is a constant, sometimes codominant associate. Carya ovata, Carya glabra, and Quercus alba each attain codominance in a subset of stands. Fraxinus americana and Quercus velutina are minor overstory associates. Understory layers tend to be open or sparse with scattered Ostrya virginiana, Crataegus flabellata, and tree saplings. Vaccinium stamineum, Vaccinium pallidum, Rosa carolina, and Spiraea betulifolia var. corymbosa commonly form a patchy low-shrub layer. The herb layer is open but moderately diverse with drought-tolerant graminoids and forbs. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.23388.QUERCUSPRINUSQU
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 20-Jun-2001 to: 17-Nov-2014
      Names:   Translated: Rock Chestnut Oak - Northern Red Oak - Red Hickory / (Elmleaf Goldenrod, Atlantic Goldenrod) - Purple Bedstraw Forest
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.686973 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL008516
  Scientific: Quercus prinus - Quercus rubra - Carya ovalis / Solidago (ulmifolia, arguta) - Galium latifolium Forest
  Common: Central Appalachian Basic Oak - Hickory Forest (Montane Type)
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Quercus prinus - Quercus rubra - Carya ovalis / Carex pensylvanica - (Calamagrostis porteri) Forest