Piedmont Mafic Cliff Sparse Vegetation
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This sparsely vegetated cliff association occurs in the Piedmont of the southeastern United States. Examples are found on steep to vertical outcrops of mafic igneous or metamorphic rocks, in topographically low settings such as river bluffs that are not subject to flood scouring. Substrates include gabbro, amphibolite, greenstone, basalt, and sometimes andesite and diorite. Vegetation is low in cover, and is confined to lichens and plants growing on bare rock and to sparse herbs, shrubs, and trees rooted in local pockets of deeper soil. The flora is a mix that usually includes drought-tolerant, shade-intolerant species, species shared with surrounding forests, and sometimes local occurrences of wetland species associated with small seepage zones. Most of the species are acid-tolerant, but several more basophilic species are present. Frequent basophilic species include Aquilegia canadensis, Sanguinaria canadensis, Arabis spp., Anemone berlandieri, Aristolochia serpentaria, Rhus aromatica, and Hydrangea arborescens. Other frequent herbs include Danthonia spicata, Schizachyrium scoparium, Hieracium venosum, Asplenium platyneuron, Pleopeltis polypodioides (= Polypodium polypodioides), Opuntia humifusa, Tephrosia virginiana, Cheilanthes lanosa, and Cheilanthes tomentosa. Frequent woody species include Juniperus virginiana, Carya glabra, Ulmus alata, Chionanthus virginicus, and Ostrya virginiana. Lichens and bryophytes may be abundant or scarce.
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