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Cercocarpus ledifolius / Holodiscus dumosus Woodland | Western Ecology Working Group of...
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Name: Cercocarpus ledifolius / Holodiscus dumosus Woodland
Reference: Western Ecology Working Group of...
Description: This association is described from stands located on the slopes of Germer Peak, Idaho, within the Challis Volcanics ecoregional section, within an area known as the Challis Endemics region, (an area of high plant species endemism). This plant association occurs on quartzite cliffs around Germer Peak, at elevations from 6800-7600 feet. No other information is available, but it can be assumed that slopes are steep, and sites are rocky. Soils are probably poorly developed, shallow, and coarse-textured (loamy sands to sandy loams). Little information is available regarding the structure and composition of this association. Cercocarpus ledifolius forms an open, low density, woodland canopy. Holodiscus dumosus forms a dense understory shrub canopy. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.24204.CERCOCARPUSLEDI
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 17-Nov-2014
      Names:   Translated: Curl-leaf Mountain-mahogany / Glandular Oceanspray Woodland
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.688266 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL000963
  Scientific: Cercocarpus ledifolius / Holodiscus dumosus Woodland
  Common: Curl-leaf Mountain-mahogany / Oceanspray
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Cercocarpus ledifolius / Holodiscus dumosus Woodland