Pinus palustris / Quercus laevis - Quercus incana / Gaylussacia dumosa - Gaylussacia (baccata, frondosa) Woodland
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This association is a longleaf pine / scrub oak sandhill community north of the range of Aristida stricta and many of the other species typical of more southern Pinus palustris communities. The presettlement nature of these communities is somewhat obscure, because so few examples remain, and none of which are in very good condition. Pinus palustris, sometimes with Pinus taeda, Pinus serotina, and/or Pinus virginiana, dominates the open canopy. The scrub oak layer consists of varying combinations of Quercus laevis, Quercus incana, Quercus margarettiae, and Quercus marilandica. The shrub layer is often dense, consisting of Gaylussacia frondosa, Gaylussacia baccata, Gaylussacia dumosa (= var. dumosa), Vaccinium tenellum, Vaccinium stamineum, Kalmia carolina, Gaultheria procumbens, and Polygonella polygama. The herb layer is often sparse and consists typically of Schizachyrium scoparium, Pteridium aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum, Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus, Solidago odora var. odora, Cnidoscolus stimulosus, Euphorbia ipecacuanhae, Carphephorus bellidifolius, Carphephorus tomentosus, and others.
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