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Potamogeton spp. - Ceratophyllum spp. Midwest Herbaceous Vegetation | Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
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Name: Potamogeton spp. - Ceratophyllum spp. Midwest Herbaceous Vegetation
Reference: Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
Description: This broadly defined submerged aquatic or open marsh type is found throughout the midwestern region of the United States and adjacent Canada. Based on information in the northern parts of the Midwest, several vegetation subgroups can be recognized that may be separate associations. Subgroup A is a shallow (<50 cm), sparsely vegetated, open water marsh found on sand, or organic and mineral material trapped in rocky bottoms. Stands are often exposed to wave action and found in oligotrophic lakes. Dominant plants often have basal rosettes that are resistant to wave action. Typical species include Elatine minima, Eriocaulon aquaticum, Gratiola aurea, Isoetes tenella (= Isoetes echinospora), Isoetes lacustris (= Isoetes macrospora), Juncus pelocarpus, and Lobelia dortmanna. Subgroup B is a shallow (<50 cm) open water marsh with emergent cover <25% and floating-leaved aquatics >25%. Substrate is a mineral soil (often sand), boulders, or a mixture of sedimentary peat and fine mineral soil. Stands can be exposed to waves or are in stream channels. Stands may often be dominated by a single species. Typical dominants include Eleocharis acicularis, Myriophyllum spp., Potamogeton amplifolius, Potamogeton gramineus, Potamogeton praelongus, Potamogeton robbinsii, Sparganium fluctuans, and Utricularia macrorhiza (= Utricularia vulgaris). Subgroup C includes open water marsh with emergent cover <25% and floating leaved aquatics >25%. Substrate is sedimentary peat and stands are often found in sheltered bays of lakes and streams that do not have high wave energy. Stands may often be dominated by a single species. Typical dominants include Ceratophyllum demersum, Elodea canadensis, Lemna spp., Myriophyllum sibiricum, Myriophyllum verticillatum, Potamogeton natans, Stuckenia pectinata (= Potamogeton pectinatus), Potamogeton richardsonii, Potamogeton zosteriformis, Ranunculus aquatilis, Utricularia macrorhiza (= Utricularia vulgaris), and Vallisneria americana. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.25150.POTAMOGETONSPPC
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 17-Nov-2014
      Names:   Translated: Pondweed species - Coontail species Midwest Herbaceous Vegetation
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.688132 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL002282
  Scientific: Potamogeton spp. - Ceratophyllum spp. Midwest Herbaceous Vegetation
  Common: Midwest Pondweed Submerged Aquatic Wetland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Potamogeton spp. - Ceratophyllum spp. Midwest Herbaceous Vegetation