Salix (boothii, geyeriana) / Carex aquatilis Shrubland
Western Ecology Working Group of...
This association commonly occurs between 1220 to 2440 m (4000-8000 feet) elevation in the mountains of eastern Oregon and Washington, central and eastern Idaho, and northern Utah. The association occurs on floodplains, streambanks, and pond margins, sometimes upstream of beaver dams, but also adjacent to seeps or springs. Sites are usually located in moderate to broad low-gradient valleys and headwater basins of small to moderate-sized streams (orders 1 to 3). Such locations are subirrigated and have saturated surface conditions in the early summer, but are drier than perennially ponded areas (promoting Carex aquatilis understory dominance). Soils are derived from fine-textured alluvium and include silty, sandy, or clayey loams. Tall Salix boothii (usually with between 20 and 50% cover) dominates this association, and Salix geyeriana (with cover less than that of Salix boothii) is often subdominant. Various conifers, Alnus incana, Salix drummondiana, Salix lemmonii, or other tall shrubs are occasionally present with low cover. There is usually a low-shrub understory composed of Betula nana and Lonicera involucrata, with Salix wolfii or Ribes spp. also sometimes present with low cover. Carex aquatilis clearly dominates the herbaceous understory, usually with between 30 and 60% cover. Other graminoid species are intermixed, each with low constancy and low cover, including Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex microptera, Carex utriculata, Deschampsia caespitosa, Juncus balticus, and Scirpus microcarpus. Forbs are diverse, but generally low in cover, the most common including Aconitum columbianum, Geum macrophyllum, and Polemonium occidentale.
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