Leucophyllum frutescens - Salvia ballotiflora - Lippia graveolens Shrubland
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This shrubland occurs on shallow, droughty, fine sandy loam soils over caliche in southern Texas (primarily Hidalgo and Starr counties). Coverage of shrubs varies with land-use history. Typical sites have 50-75% cover of shrubs 1-2 m tall; larger shrubs, such as Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa and Cordia boissieri, are scarce. Openings are dominated by forbs and short grasses during wet periods, with bare soil exposed during dry periods. The composition is variable but diverse, often and characteristically including a large number of thornless species. Common shrubs include Colubrina texensis, Aloysia gratissima, Bernardia myricifolia, Sideroxylon celastrinum (= Bumelia celastrina), Croton humilis, Eysenhardtia texana, Forestiera angustifolia, Guajacum angustifolium, Jatropha dioica, Karwinskia humboldtiana, Krameria ramosissima, Lantana urticoides (= Lantana horrida), Lantana achyranthifolia (= Lantana macropoda), Macrosiphonia lanuginosa var. macrosiphon (= Macrosiphonia macrosiphon), Malpighia glabra, Melochia tomentosa, Randia rhagocarpa, Viguiera stenoloba, Waltheria indica, and Yucca treculeana. Rare species found in this community include Manihot walkerae and Cardiospermum dissectum.
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