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Populus tremuloides / Amelanchier alnifolia - Symphoricarpos oreophilus / Thalictrum fendleri Forest | Western Ecology Working Group of...
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Name: Populus tremuloides / Amelanchier alnifolia - Symphoricarpos oreophilus / Thalictrum fendleri Forest
Reference: Western Ecology Working Group of...
Description: This is a low- to moderate-elevation aspen forest, occurring between 1770 to 2470 m (5800-8100 feet). It generally occurs on gentle slopes (<25%) on lower and midslope positions, and occasionally on the valley bottom. Soils are sandy loams to fine loams, usually derived from sandstone. This montane deciduous forest is multi-layered. The forest canopy consists primarily of Populus tremuloides. The undergrowth has a multi-layered structure of tall shrubs, low shrubs, and a fairly low-growing layer of herbaceous species. The association is characterized by the lack of conifers in the tree stratum, the presence of both a tall- and short-shrub layer, and the lack of significant quantities of both tall forbs and the graminoids Calamagrostis rubescens and Carex geyeri. The most common tall shrubs are Amelanchier alnifolia and Prunus virginiana. The low-shrub component is always present, with Symphoricarpos oreophilus and Rosa woodsii the most abundant species. The herbaceous layer is dominated by low-growing species such as Thalictrum fendleri, Geranium viscosissimum, Osmorhiza berteroi (= Osmorhiza chilensis), Osmorhiza depauperata, and Lupinus argenteus. Occasional tall forbs, such as Agastache urticifolia, Senecio serra or Eucephalus engelmannii (= Aster engelmannii), may be present, but they never form a prominent part of the undergrowth. Graminoids can be present with <3% cover, including Calamagrostis rubescens, Carex geyeri, Carex hoodii, Elymus trachycaulus, and Poa secunda. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.25824.POPULUSTREMULOI
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 26-Nov-1997 to: 17-Nov-2014
      Names:   Translated: Quaking Aspen / Saskatoon Serviceberry - Mountain Snowberry / Fendler's Meadowrue Forest
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.689492 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL000569
  Scientific: Populus tremuloides / Amelanchier alnifolia - Symphoricarpos oreophilus / Thalictrum fendleri Forest
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Populus tremuloides / Amelanchier alnifolia - Symphoricarpos oreophilus / Thalictrum fendleri Forest