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Schizachyrium scoparium - Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana - Croton willdenowii Herbaceous Vegetation | Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
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Name: Schizachyrium scoparium - Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana - Croton willdenowii Herbaceous Vegetation
Reference: Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
Description: This dry to xeric Arkansas River Valley prairie community occurs as relatively small isolated patches on shaley knobs within a larger complex of dry-mesic and mesic tallgrass prairies. The only currently known location is in the Massard Prairie complex in the northeastern portion of Fort Chaffee. The vegetation is somewhat sparse (<75% cover), and there is much exposed soil. The vegetation is predominantly herbaceous, less than 2 feet tall, with widely scattered Quercus stellata. There are a few Diospyros virginiana and Rhus copallinum shrubs (sprouts) present. This community becomes shrubby with fire suppression. Dominant species include Schizachyrium scoparium, Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana (= Andropogon saccharoides var. torreyana), and Croton willdenowii (= Crotonopsis elliptica). Other species include Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea (= Baptisia bracteata var. glabrescens), Buchnera americana, Helianthus mollis, Pityopsis graminifolia (= Heterotheca graminifolia), Liatris aspera, Dichanthelium spp., Plantago aristata, Solidago missouriensis, Solidago nemoralis, and Solidago speciosa. The exotic Lespedeza cuneata is invasive. Fire and edaphic factors limit woody vegetation in stands of this community. The soils are shallow Mountainburg-Montevallo complex, which are derived from weathering of acidic sandstones and shales, respectively. These soils are acidic, sandy and sandy clay loams with low water-holding capacities; they tend to be excessively drained and droughty. This dry community occurs where the shale is close to the surface. This community is situated as small patches within Schizachyrium scoparium - Dichanthelium spp. - Buchnera americana - Echinacea pallida Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL007827). The type location is in Franklin County, Arkansas. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.26166.SCHIZACHYRIUMSC
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 01-Oct-2000 to: 17-Nov-2014
      Names:   Translated: Little Bluestem - Silver Beardgrass - Broadleaf Rushfoil Herbaceous Vegetation
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.689241 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL008564
  Scientific: Schizachyrium scoparium - Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana - Croton willdenowii Herbaceous Vegetation
  Common: Arkansas Cherokee Prairie, Xeric Phase
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(undetermined) Schizachyrium scoparium - Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana - Croton willdenowii Herbaceous Vegetation