Quercus michauxii - Liquidambar styraciflua - Quercus texana - Quercus lyrata Forest
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This community occurs along intermediate-sized streams in the West Gulf Coastal Plain. It is intermediate in hydrology, in that it lacks Pinus taeda, yet supports other species not typical of very wet bottomland hardwood forests. The overstory is characterized by Quercus michauxii, Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus texana, Quercus lyrata, Quercus nigra, Ulmus americana, Carya aquatica, Carya glabra, and (at least at times) Carya ovata. The midstory is typically greatly dominated by Carpinus caroliniana ssp. caroliniana, although some Ulmus alata, Crataegus marshallii, Crataegus viridis may be present. Cephalanthus occidentalis is a common shrub. Additionally, Arundinaria gigantea is common in patches. Common vines include Bignonia capreolata, Toxicodendron radicans, Smilax rotundifolia, Ampelopsis arborea, Berchemia scandens, and Vitis rotundifolia. Although the ground is well-shaded, there are patches of Chasmanthium spp., Carex spp., and Saururus cernuus. Other herbs may include Boehmeria cylindrica, Polygonum virginianum, Elephantopus carolinianus, and Mitchella repens.
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