(Pinus palustris, Pinus serotina) / Ctenium aromaticum - Muhlenbergia expansa - Calamovilfa brevipilis Woodland
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This community occurs in narrow bands between various sandhill communities and streamhead pocosins, in the Fall-line Sandhills of North Carolina and South Carolina. In floristic composition it typically resembles Outer Coastal Plain savannas and flatwoods, but lacks some of the Outer Coastal Plain species, and has some species (often from the adjacent sandhill and streamhead pocosins) not present in Outer Coastal Plain savannas and flatwoods. The fire dynamics of this community are also different, since it occurs in narrow bands between peaty wetlands and xeric sandhills, rather than in large, flat expanses. Many of the plant species in this community occur in no other community in the landscape. Species found in this association which are more prevalent in this community than in Outer Coastal Plain savannas and flatwoods include Oxydendrum arboreum, Calamovilfa brevipilis, Chasmanthium laxum, Doellingeria sericocarpoides (= Aster sericocarpoides), Glyceria obtusa, and Hexastylis minor. Species more prevalent in Outer Coastal Plain savannas and flatwoods longleaf pine communities than in this one include Lysimachia loomisii, Pinguicula caerulea, Pinguicula caerulea, Pinguicula pumila, Dionaea muscipula, Pyxidanthera barbulata, Arnoglossum ovatum, Cirsium horridulum, Carphephorus odoratissimus, Pterocaulon pycnostachyum, Bigelowia nudata ssp. nudata, Helianthus heterophyllus, Balduina uniflora, Coreopsis falcata, Helenium pinnatifidum, Helenium vernale, Amphicarpum purshii, Paspalum praecox, Anthaenantia rufa, Andropogon glaucopsis, Rhynchospora chapmanii, Rhynchospora latifolia, Pleea tenuifolia, Lilium catesbaei ssp. catesbaei, Platanthera nivea, Platanthera integra, Sarracenia minor, Drosera brevifolia, Polygala brevifolia, and Polygala hookeri.
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