Fagus grandifolia - Quercus alba / Symplocos tinctoria East Gulf Coastal Plain Forest
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This association is a dry-mesic forest of sandy slopes along ravines in the East Gulf Coastal Plain. These forests are very distinct from the richer beech-white oak forests, Fagus grandifolia - Quercus alba - Liquidambar styraciflua / Magnolia grandiflora / Smilax pumila - Hexastylis arifolia Forest (CEGL007210), of finer-textured soils in the nearby Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain (both of these at Fort Benning, Georgia). Stands of this association have canopies dominated by Fagus grandifolia and Quercus alba. Other characteristic canopy species include Quercus nigra, Quercus rubra (which is absent from or rare in the canopy, and would be more likely found in the subcanopy), Pinus taeda, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Liquidambar styraciflua. The subcanopy includes Carya pallida, Carya glabra, Quercus velutina, Quercus rubra, Quercus margarettiae, Magnolia virginiana, Cornus florida, Oxydendrum arboreum, Ilex opaca, Ilex coriacea, and Acer leucoderme. Shrubs include Hamamelis virginiana, Prunus umbellata, Kalmia latifolia, Morella caroliniensis, Symplocos tinctoria, Euonymus americana, Hydrangea arborescens, Persea borbonia, Leucothoe axillaris, and Vitis rotundifolia. The herb layer is only moderately diverse with a variable composition that includes Tipularia discolor, Medeola virginiana, Galax urceolata, Hexastylis arifolia, Polystichum acrostichoides, Collinsonia serotina, Smilax pumila, Osmunda cinnamomea, and Carex abscondita.
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