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NY Heritage: Inland salt pond | Ecological Communities of New York, 2nd Ed.
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Name: NY Heritage: Inland salt pond
Reference: Ecological Communities of New York, 2nd Ed.
Description: The aquatic community of a small, spring-fed pond in which the water is salty from flowing through salt beds in the aquifer. These salt springs occur in central New York, and were once common around Onondaga Lake in Syracuse, and near Montezuma. Most of the springs have been exploited for the production of salt, and are very disturbed or completely destroyed. The pond is permanently flooded, but the water levels fluctuate seasonally. The bottom, and shores of an inland salt pond are very mucky. The one example of this community that has remained least disturbed is dominated by ditch grass (Ruppia maritima), and has at least one species of small fish (probably a killifish, Fundulus spp.). Another characteristic plant is the pondweed Stuckenia pectinatus. More data on this community are needed. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.28687.NYHERITAGEINLAN
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 1
      Party Perspective according to: Howard, Timothy
Perspective from: 03-Dec-2004 to: ongoing
      Names:   Other: NY Heritage: Inland salt pond