Cladium mariscoides / Vaccinium macrocarpon - Morella pensylvanica Dwarf-shrubland
Eastern Ecology Working Group of...
This association is a small-patch seasonally flooded wetland within low swales behind backdunes of major dune systems of the northeastern coast. Vegetation is characterized by <i>Vaccinium macrocarpon, Sphagnum</i> spp., and scattered <i>Morella pensylvanica (= Myrica pensylvanica), Myrica gale</i>, and/or <i>Vaccinium corymbosum</i>. <i>Vaccinium macrocarpon</i> is generally dominant, but a number of rushes, sedges, grasses, and forbs co-occur and often obscure the low-growing <i>Vaccinium macrocarpon</i>. <i>Morella pensylvanica</i>, although a minor component of the vegetation and generally restricted to the wetland edge, characterizes this community as coastal. The wetland is seasonally flooded and is often dry on the surface late in the growing season. A shallow layer of peat overtops deep sand deposits. Associated species commonly include <i>Juncus</i> spp. (<i>Juncus canadensis, Juncus greenei, Juncus balticus, Juncus biflorus, Juncus scirpoides, Juncus pelocarpus</i> and/or others), <i>Cladium mariscoides, Xyris torta, Xyris difformis, Rhynchospora capitellata, Rhynchospora alba, Cyperus</i> spp., <i>Drosera rotundifolia, Drosera intermedia, Drosera filiformis, Pogonia ophioglossoides</i>, and scattered clumps of <i>Schoenoplectus pungens</i> or <i>Scirpus cyperinus</i> in small wet pockets. <i>Sphagnum</i> spp. (<i>Sphagnum rubellum, Sphagnum compactum</i>, and possibly others) cover the surface. Species occurring less frequently can include <i>Linum striatum, Lycopodiella inundata (= Lycopodium inundatum), Polygala cruciata, Calopogon</i> spp., <i>Platanthera</i> spp., <i>Utricularia subulata, Triadenum</i> sp., and others. Floristics can vary among swales due to hydrology, soils, or disturbance regime.
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