Celtis laevigata var. reticulata Slickrock Canyon Woodland
Western Ecology Working Group of...
This netleaf hackberry slickrock woodland association is currently only known from Capitol Reef National Park in Utah, and the following description is based on occurrences there. Additional information will be added as it becomes available. The netleaf hackberry slickrock canyon community was observed in slickrock and associated drainage channels within the park. Sites are gentle to steep (1- to 30-degree slopes), occur between 1250 and 2409 m elevation, and are oriented to all aspects. The unvegetated surface has low to high exposure of bedrock, sand, and bare soil. The cover by litter is sparse to low, and live vegetation basal area can be low to moderate in cover. Parent materials are Navajo sandstone. Soils are rapidly drained and texturally are sand and sandy loam. This netleaf hackberry slickrock canyon community is rare within the park, occupying bedrock exposures and drainage channels in slickrock habitat. This woodland community is characterized by typically 2- to 5-m tall <i>Celtis laevigata var. reticulata</i> trees. The canopy tree layer is moderately diverse, provides sparse to moderate cover, and includes <i>Fraxinus anomala, Juniperus osteosperma, Pinus edulis, Acer negundo</i>, and <i>Populus tremuloides</i>, among several other tree species occasionally present. The shrub layer has moderate to high species diversity and provides low to moderate cover. Tall shrubs commonly to occasionally present include <i>Amelanchier utahensis, Fraxinus anomala, Mahonia fremontii</i>, and <i>Quercus gambelii</i>. Common short and dwarf-shrubs include <i>Ephedra viridis, Ericameria nauseosa, Opuntia polyacantha</i>, and <i>Rhus trilobata</i>. The herbaceous layer is diverse in terms of species composition and provides low to moderate cover. Graminoids commonly present in the community include <i>Achnatherum hymenoides, Bromus tectorum, Poa fendleriana</i>, and <i>Vulpia octoflora</i>. Forbs often present include <i>Artemisia ludoviciana, Castilleja linariifolia, Heterotheca villosa</i>, and <i>Lepidium montanum</i>. The vine <i>Clematis ligusticifolia</i> is often present and typically provides sparse cover.
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