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Ephedra viridis / Pleuraphis jamesii Shrubland | Western Ecology Working Group of...
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Name: Ephedra viridis / Pleuraphis jamesii Shrubland
Reference: Western Ecology Working Group of...
Description: This shrubland association is found in southeastern Utah on the Colorado Plateau. It occurs on partly stabilized dunefields and sandsheets on valley floors, plateau slopes, benches and mesatops. Stands of this association usually occur as patches of one to several hectares within a matrix of other sandy communities dominated by <i>Coleogyne ramosissima</i> or <i>Artemisia filifolia</i>, although occasionally it will be the matrix community. The appearance is that of a grassland containing large, low-growing clonal clumps of <i>Ephedra viridis</i>. Sites are located on gentle slopes (3-10 %) between 1396 and 1850 m (4577-6070 feet) elevation. Aspect is not important in determining the distribution of this association. The unvegetated surface has high exposure of bare soil and low to moderate cover of litter; biological soil crusts provide up to 30% cover. The rapidly drained, fine sandy loam, loamy sand, and sandy clay soils are derived from sandstones and shales, eolian deposits and alluvium. Total vegetation cover ranges from 6 to 85%. The vegetation is characterized by an open canopy of <i>Ephedra viridis</i> that ranges in cover from 5 to 55% and the short bunchgrass <i>Pleuraphis jamesii</i> that ranges in cover from 1 to 15%. If <i>Achnatherum hymenoides</i> and <i>Hesperostipa comata</i> are present, it is with much less cover than <i>Pleuraphis jamesii</i>. Associated shrubs include <i>Atriplex canescens, Gutierrezia sarothrae</i>, and <i>Opuntia polyacantha</i>. The herbaceous layer is diverse in terms of species composition and provides sparse to low cover. Associated graminoids include <i>Aristida purpurea, Bouteloua gracilis, Sporobolus airoides, Sporobolus cryptandrus</i>, and the annual exotic grass <i>Bromus tectorum</i>. Forbs commonly present include <i>Cryptantha crassisepala, Helianthus petiolaris, Lappula occidentalis, Plantago patagonica</i>, and <i>Sphaeralcea parvifolia</i>. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.32005.CEGL002356
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 17-Nov-2014 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.769145 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Translated: Mormon-tea / James' Galleta Shrubland
  Scientific: Ephedra viridis / Pleuraphis jamesii Shrubland
  Code: CEGL002356