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Populus deltoides (ssp. wislizeni, ssp. monilifera) - Salix gooddingii Forest | Western Ecology Working Group of...
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Name: Populus deltoides (ssp. wislizeni, ssp. monilifera) - Salix gooddingii Forest
Reference: Western Ecology Working Group of...
Description: This mature riparian forest association is found in the middle Pecos and Rio Grande basins of New Mexico and extreme southwestern Colorado. It occurs along low-gradient rivers of wide lowland valleys at elevations from 990 to 2025 m (3250-6650 feet). Stream gradients are generally low (&lt;1%), and riverbeds tend to be mostly sandy. Gravels and cobbles are more frequent as the gradient increases. Sites typically are elevated sidebars and low terraces that are situated above the active channel (discharge ratios range from 2 to 6). Flooding frequency ranges widely, from as low as every two years on lower bars to more than 50 years on elevated terraces. Soils of young fluvial landforms are poorly developed Entisols. Soils may be coarse-loamy throughout or overlain by a sandy layer. Gravels and cobbles are generally scattered throughout the profile. Soils are dry within 1 m but, upon approaching the groundwater, become moist, particularly during seasonal flooding events. Middle-aged to mature stands of <i>Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni, </i><i>Populus deltoides</i> (and <i>Populus x acuminata</i>, the incipient hybrid with <i>Populus angustifolia</i>), or <i>Populus deltoides ssp. monilifera</i> and <i>Salix gooddingii</i> form closed canopies (85% or greater cover) that reach heights of 20 to 25 m (65-82 feet). Other deciduous trees are generally absent. <i>Elaeagnus angustifolia</i> and <i>Tamarix ramosissima</i> can become invasive and reproduce in the understory. Smaller cottonwood and willow saplings may be present in the understory, but seedlings are absent. The shrub layer may be dominated by <i>Rosa woodsii, Ribes aureum</i>, and <i>Salix exigua</i>. However, the understory shrub and herbaceous layers are often sparse, not well-represented, and low in diversity. There may be scattered <i>Salix exigua</i> or <i>Baccharis</i> spp. and patches of grass, but generally the forest floor is sparse and covered with leaf litter. Six wetland indicator species are known to occur. As a keystone species, the reproduction of <i>Populus deltoides</i> after flooding (and sufficient subsequent base flows) is critical to the sustainability of this community. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.32067.CEGL005964
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 17-Nov-2014 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.737581 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Translated: (Rio Grande Cottonwood, Plains Cottonwood) - Goodding's Willow Forest
  Scientific: Populus deltoides (ssp. wislizeni, ssp. monilifera) - Salix gooddingii Forest
  Code: CEGL005964