Pseudotsuga menziesii / Betula occidentalis Woodland
Western Ecology Working Group of...
This woodland association occurs in cool, narrow foothill canyons of the Colorado Front Range between 2015 and 2500 m (6600-8080 feet) elevation in the upper Arkansas and South Platte river basins and in Rio Grande National Forest. It has also been documented from box canyons in southeastern Utah at 1883 m (6175 feet) and may also occur in Nevada. Vegetation is limited to a narrow band along small, steep perennial streams in fairly shallow (165-343 cm [65-135 inches]), loamy alluvial soils, often with a high cover of surface rock. <i>Pseudotsuga menziesii</i> (15-50% cover) trees up to 35 m tall and <i>Betula occidentalis</i> (20-40% cover) are key indicators even if other tree and shrub species are present. Other tree species may include <i>Acer negundo, Salix amygdaloides, Populus angustifolia, Populus tremuloides, Juniperus scopulorum, Pinus ponderosa, Abies concolor, Abies lasiocarpa</i>, or <i>Picea pungens</i>. The shrub canopy may be thick and diverse and include <i>Alnus incana, Acer glabrum, Ericameria nauseosa, Quercus gambelii, Rhus trilobata, Salix bebbiana, Salix ligulifolia (= Salix eriocephala var. ligulifolia), Salix monticola, Salix irrorata, Rosa woodsii, Jamesia americana</i>, and <i>Cornus sericea</i>. The herbaceous layer is generally sparse due to heavy shade; more abundant species include <i>Maianthemum stellatum, Eurybia glauca (= Aster glaucodes), Equisetum arvense, Equisetum hyemale, Carex disperma</i>, and <i>Melilotus officinalis</i>.
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