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Pinus ponderosa / Arctostaphylos patula - Arctostaphylos viscida Forest | Western Ecology Working Group of...
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Name: Pinus ponderosa / Arctostaphylos patula - Arctostaphylos viscida Forest
Reference: Western Ecology Working Group of...
Description: This coniferous forest of the Siskiyou Mountains typically grows on south- to southeast-facing slopes between 850 and 1650 m of elevation. Winters are mild and wet, but summers are subject to long periods of heat and drought. The open overstory canopy is dominated by <i>Pinus ponderosa</i> with minor amounts of <i>Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus garryana, Quercus kelloggii</i>, and <i>Arbutus menziesii</i>. At least one species of <i>Arctostaphylos</i> is present, usually <i>Arctostaphylos patula</i> and/or <i>Arctostaphylos viscida</i>. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.32984.CEGL000061
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 17-Nov-2014 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   Code: CEGL000061
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.687934 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Translated: Ponderosa Pine / Greenleaf Manzanita - Sticky Whiteleaf Manzanita Forest
  Scientific: Pinus ponderosa / Arctostaphylos patula - Arctostaphylos viscida Forest