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Ephedra trifurca / Bouteloua eriopoda Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation | Western Ecology Working Group of...
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Name: Ephedra trifurca / Bouteloua eriopoda Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation
Reference: Western Ecology Working Group of...
Description: This Chihuahuan Desert association occurs on the gentle slopes of alluvial fans on moderate or cold aspects between elevations of 1370 and 1525 m (4500-5000 feet). The landscape is characterized by broad alluvial fans, which are dissected by shallow arroyos. Substrates are alluvial deposits and soils are generally well-developed, stable and surface textures range from sand loam to sandy clay loams. The grass layer is dominated by <i>Bouteloua eriopoda</i> with scattered <i>Ephedra trifurca</i> in the overstory. Occasionally, <i>Bouteloua eriopoda</i> is nearly absent and <i>Aristida purpurea</i> will dominate. This phase is probably disturbance related. The grassland is usually luxuriant in cover and high in diversity. <i>Bouteloua gracilis, Muhlenbergia porteri, Setaria leucopila, Aristida ternipes</i>, and <i>Dasyochloa pulchella (= Erioneuron pulchellum)</i> are often present. The shrub overstory is well represented and evenly distributed. This layer is moderate in diversity and generally includes <i>Gutierrezia sarothrae, Prosopis glandulosa, Opuntia phaeacantha, Opuntia imbricata, Yucca elata</i> and <i>Artemisia filifolia</i>. Though <i>Ephedra trifurca</i> is usually clearly the dominant, on occasion it is very scattered, especially in areas of transition. The forb layer is very diverse and usually well-represented in cover. <i>Baileya multiradiata, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia, Solanum elaeagnifolium</i> and <i>Lepidium montanum</i> are fairly constant species. The forbs are scattered and grow under or between shrub canopies. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.33701.CEGL001732
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 17-Nov-2014 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.686271 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Translated: Longleaf Joint-fir / Black Grama Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation
  Scientific: Ephedra trifurca / Bouteloua eriopoda Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation
  Code: CEGL001732