Spartina cynosuroides - Panicum virgatum - Phyla lanceolata Herbaceous Vegetation
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This association occurs adjacent to channels in wind-tidal oligohaline marshes of Virginia and North Carolina. <i>Spartina cynosuroides</i> is the characteristic species in these marshes dominated by tall, coarse graminoids. Species composition varies from nearly monospecific to strongly mixed with high species richness. Common associates include <i>Eleocharis fallax, Schoenoplectus americanus</i>, and <i>Sagittaria lancifolia ssp. media</i>. Locally, <i>Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicense, Schoenoplectus robustus (= Scirpus robustus)</i>, and <i>Spartina alterniflora</i> are dominant or codominant in this type. The physiognomy of this vegetation is markedly bi-stratal, supporting tall or mid-height associates such as <i>Amaranthus cannabinus, Bidens coronata, Symphyotrichum subulatum (= Aster subulatus), Decodon verticillatus, Hibiscus moscheutos, Panicum virgatum, Rhynchospora macrostachya (= var. colpophila), Sium suave, Typha</i> spp., and the herbaceous vine <i>Mikania scandens</i>. In most stands of this type, vegetation of low to mid-height marshes, e.g., <i>Eleocharis fallax, Cyperus haspan, Pontederia cordata, Sagittaria lancifolia, Polygonum</i> spp., etc., occurs as a lower stratum beneath the taller species. <i>Phyla lanceolata</i> is another short-statured plant that is apparently much more constant and abundant in these tall marshes than elsewhere. Plants that are particularly common in channel edge microhabitats are <i>Asclepias incarnata, Cladium mariscoides, Lobelia elongata, Lythrum lineare, Stachys aspera</i>, and <i>Teucrium canadense</i>. The importance of <i>Polygonum hydropiperoides</i> and the relative lack of <i>Polygonum punctatum</i> distinguish this vegetation from other wind-tidal marshes.
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