Hamamelis vernalis - Cornus obliqua - Hypericum prolificum Shrubland
Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
This witch-hazel - dogwood gravel wash occurs in the Ozarks-Ouachita region of the United States. This shrubland occurs as narrow strips (1-10 m wide) in the upper scour zones of small to medium-sized streams. It is typically found in a substrate of loose cobble, but on larger streams and rivers may occur on bedrock shelves or alluvial silt, where it intergrades with other vegetation types. <i>Hamamelis vernalis, Cornus obliqua (= Cornus amomum ssp. obliqua)</i>, and <i>Hypericum prolificum</i> are common and characteristic. Several other species may be locally abundant in the diverse microhabitats of this shrubland, including <i>Salix caroliniana</i> in more open streambeds, <i>Leptopus phyllanthoides (= Andrachne phyllanthoides)</i> in drier scour zones, <i>Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana</i> in upper scour zones, <i>Ilex vomitoria</i> on bedrock and boulders on larger streams, and <i>Alnus serrulata</i> and <i>Cephalanthus occidentalis</i> in low, wet areas. On more stable substrates <i>Platanus occidentalis, Acer rubrum</i>, and <i>Liquidambar styraciflua</i> may be locally abundant. Other shrub and tree species that may occur include <i>Amorpha fruticosa, Amorpha ouachitensis, Betula nigra, Crataegus</i> spp., <i>Diospyros virginiana, Ulmus alata, Hypericum prolificum, Ilex decidua, Styrax grandifolius</i>, and <i>Vaccinium virgatum</i>. Herbaceous species include <i>Amsonia illustris, Amsonia hubrichtii, Ambrosia</i> spp., <i>Apios americana, Boltonia diffusa, Chasmanthium latifolium, Commelina erecta, Diodia virginiana, Eupatorium fistulosum, Ludwigia decurrens, Polygonum pensylvanicum, Vernonia lettermannii, Panicum virgatum, Panicum anceps</i>, and <i>Perilla frutescens</i> (exotic). <i>Trachelospermum difforme</i> is a common vine of this community.
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