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Eleocharis baldwinii - Hydrocotyle (ranunculoides, umbellata) Herbaceous Vegetation | Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
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Name: Eleocharis baldwinii - Hydrocotyle (ranunculoides, umbellata) Herbaceous Vegetation
Reference: Southeastern Ecology Working Gro...
Description: This fresh spikerush marsh is a prominent fresh flotant marsh (thin mat) type recently (1998) recognized in Louisiana in the Deltaic Plain, and it is apparently becoming more common. This type is codominated by <i>Eleocharis baldwinii</i> and <i>Hydrocotyle</i> spp., mainly <i>Hydrocotyle ranunculoides</i> and <i>Hydrocotyle umbellata</i>; <i>Bidens laevis</i> is a frequent codominant. Species richness in this marsh type is moderate. This association (Fresh Spikerush Marsh) appears to represent degraded ~<i>Panicum hemitomon</i> Semipermanently Flooded Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL004665)$$, which may convert to Fresh Spikerush Marsh as a consequence of intense herbivory (by nutria [or muskrat?]), changes in hydrology, changes in water quality, certain fire regimes, or other factors. It is unclear whether the type is a "natural" (i.e., non-anthropogenic) type or not. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.36254.CEGL007893
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 17-Nov-2014 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   Common: Fresh Spikerush Marsh
  Translated: Baldwin's Spikerush - (Floating Marsh-pennywort, Many-flower Marsh-pennywort) Herbaceous Vegetation
  Scientific: Eleocharis baldwinii - Hydrocotyle (ranunculoides, umbellata) Herbaceous Vegetation
  Code: CEGL007893
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.687504 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo