Carex utriculata - Carex lacustris - (Carex vesicaria, Carex stricta) Herbaceous Vegetation
Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
This northern tall sedge community is found in the mixed conifer - hardwood zone of the Great Lakes region and north into the boreal regions of eastern Canada, with outliers in the Allegheny Mountains region of West Virginia and Maryland. Sites are found on floodplains, shallow bays of lakes and streams, beaver meadows, ditches, and occasionally in isolated basins, or on semi-floating mats. Hydrology is seasonally to semipermanently flooded. Substrate is mineral soil or well-decomposed peat. Tall coarse-leaved sedges dominate the vegetation layer, often creating a tussocky hummock microtopography. Shrubs can cover up to 25% of the area. Pools with submergents may also be present. Dominant graminoids include a number of Carices, including <i>Carex aquatilis, Carex lacustris, Carex lasiocarpa, Carex rostrata, Carex utriculata, Carex vesicaria</i>, and locally <i>Carex stricta</i>. Other graminoids include <i>Calamagrostis canadensis, Scirpus atrovirens, Scirpus cyperinus</i>, and in wetter areas, <i>Eleocharis palustris (= Eleocharis smallii)</i> and <i>Equisetum fluviatile</i>. Forbs include <i>Acorus calamus, Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. lanceolatum (= Aster simplex), Campanula aparinoides, Eupatorium maculatum, Iris virginica var. shrevei (= Iris shrevei), Lycopus uniflorus, Poa palustris, Polygonum amphibium, Comarum palustre (= Potentilla palustris)</i>, and others. Diagnostic features include the general dominance by coarse-leaved sedges, wet, somewhat peaty soil conditions, and the mix of sub-boreal herbs with more temperate herbs.
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