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Acer saccharinum - Celtis laevigata - Carya illinoinensis Forest | Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
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Name: Acer saccharinum - Celtis laevigata - Carya illinoinensis Forest
Reference: Midwestern Ecology Working Group...
Description: This silver maple floodplain forest type is found in the central United States. Stands occur in deep (greater than 1 m) moist alluvial soils of river bottoms and occasionally at the base of protected slopes. The soils are poorly drained and often have an impervious clay layer which encourages the ponding of water. Groundwater is at or near the surface, except on ridges and terraces where the levees of old streams and meanders were deposited. Canopy cover is more-or-less complete and dominated by <i>Acer saccharinum, Celtis laevigata</i>, and <i>Carya illinoinensis</i>. Less dominant species encountered are <i>Acer negundo, Populus deltoides, Salix nigra, Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus palustris</i>, and <i>Betula nigra</i>. Trees are tall (24-30 m [80-100 feet]) and straight with rounded, spreading, open crowns and massive branches. The understory is sparse and dominated by <i>Celtis laevigata, Acer saccharinum</i>, and <i>Ulmus americana</i>. <i>Forestiera acuminata</i> and <i>Ilex decidua</i> dominate the shrub layer. Herbaceous species most commonly encountered are <i>Boehmeria cylindrica, Laportea canadensis</i>, and <i>Urtica dioica</i>. Although the understory may be sparsely populated, a diverse variety of species can be encountered. Vines may form dense thickets and include <i>Vitis</i> spp., <i>Smilax</i> spp., <i>Toxicodendron radicans</i>, and <i>Campsis radicans</i>. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.37103.CEGL002431
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 17-Nov-2014 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   Common: Silver Maple - Sugarberry - Pecan Floodplain Forest
  Translated: Silver Maple - Sugarberry - Pecan Forest
  Scientific: Acer saccharinum - Celtis laevigata - Carya illinoinensis Forest
  Code: CEGL002431
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.686588 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo