Vaccinium myrtilloides / Pteridium aquilinum / Polytrichum spp. Shrubland
This successional shrubland occurs on temporarily flooded or saturated acidic soils in the Allegheny Mountains region of West Virginia, at elevations between 770 and 1220 m. It is a small-patch type that occupies flat to mildly inclined (0- to 5-degree) slopes in headwater basins. It occupies slightly drier positions in open wetland mosaics, either on the margins of the wetland, as drier lenses in the middle of the wetland, or interfingering with wetter shrub swamps or herbaceous wetlands in an irregular pattern related to moisture availability. This community is part of the natural disturbance mosaic of beaver-influenced vegetation types at high elevations in the Alleghenies, and also occurs on formerly forested wetlands that were logged or burned within the last 120 years. Hummock-and-hollow microtopography is moderately developed, with moss-covered hummocks formed over woody stem clusters, decayed wood, and roots. Soil texture is moderately poorly to very poorly drained silt loam or clay loam, with peat developing in some older stands. Mean soil pH is 3.7 (n=9). The tall-shrub layer typically includes <i>Vaccinium myrtilloides</i> and <i>Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides</i>. Less common species in the tall-shrub layer include <i>Hypericum densiflorum, Picea rubens, Populus tremuloides, Amelanchier</i> spp., <i>Prunus serotina var. serotina, Viburnum recognitum, Acer rubrum</i>, and <i>Abies balsamea</i>. The short-shrub stratum is fairly dense and strongly dominated by <i>Vaccinium myrtilloides, Photinia melanocarpa</i>, and <i>Hypericum densiflorum</i>. The dwarf-shrub species <i>Rubus hispidus</i> has high cover and constancy in this type. The herbaceous layer typically includes a component of acidophilic upland species. Species with high cover and constancy are <i>Pteridium aquilinum, Solidago uliginosa</i>, and <i>Danthonia compressa</i>. Herbaceous species with high constancy but lower cover include <i>Lycopodium obscurum, Juncus effusus</i>, and <i>Carex debilis</i>. Species with lower constancy that are sometimes abundant include <i>Gaultheria procumbens, Eriophorum virginicum, Carex folliculata, Brachyelytrum erectum, Solidago rugosa, Apocynum androsaemifolium</i>, and <i>Lycopodium clavatum</i>. The nonvascular stratum is dominated by <i>Polytrichum</i> spp. (<i>Polytrichum juniperinum, Polytrichum commune, Polytrichum strictum, Polytrichum pallidisetum</i>) and often includes moderate cover by <i>Sphagnum</i> spp. (<i>Sphagnum fallax, Sphagnum girgensohnii, Sphagnum rubellum</i>). <i>Cladonia</i> spp. are often present with low cover. Indicator species that help to distinguish this community from others within the shrubland physiognomy for high-elevation wetlands of the Allegheny Mountains region are <i>Danthonia compressa, Polytrichum</i> spp., and <i>Pteridium aquilinum</i>. Mean species richness of all vascular plants and any nonvascular plants with cover >1% is 22 taxa per 400 square meters.
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