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Andropogon gerardii - Panicum virgatum - Schizachyrium scoparium - Schizachyrium tenerum - Helianthus mollis Herbaceous Vegetation |
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Name: Andropogon gerardii - Panicum virgatum - Schizachyrium scoparium - Schizachyrium tenerum - Helianthus mollis Herbaceous Vegetation
Description: This is the upland, mesic (non-wet) coastal prairie that, along with wet coastal prairie, historically dominated vast acreages on the Pleistocene Prairie Terraces of southwestern Louisiana. It occupied the broad, slightly convex 'flats' across the region. In areas of pimple mounds, this type occupied the mounds, with wet coastal prairie (~<i>Panicum virgatum - Tripsacum dactyloides - (Panicum hemitomon)</i> Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL007937)$$) in low areas between mounds. The prairie landscape was bisected by 'gallery forests' along small permanent streams that divided the prairie into 'coves.' Upland prairie is typically dominated by the nominal species, but a large variety of other species is associated with the type. Composites, grasses, sedges and legumes are the primary families represented, but many other families are present. Over 500 plant species have been recorded in Louisiana's remnant coastal prairies. The vegetation in the northern coastal prairies greatly resembles that of the mesic longleaf pine flatwoods (the two intergrade at the northern boundary of the coastal prairie in Louisiana), with very few species apparently restricted to the prairies. Soils in these areas are generally acidic, fairly nutrient-poor silt loams. Toward the south, the vegetation is influenced by heavier clay soils, with some of the clays being sub-calcareous to calcareous, and in these areas there are some strict calciphiles present (e.g., <i>Dalea candida</i>) and fewer species characteristic of the acidic silt loams to the north. Historically, upland coastal prairie was maintained by frequent burning and soil conditions generally inhospitable to the growth of trees and shrubs. 
Accession Code: VB.CC.37540.CEGL007938
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 17-Nov-2014 to: 01-May-2019
  • status: accepted
  • This Community's Level: association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   Translated: Big Bluestem - Switchgrass - Little Bluestem - Slender Little Bluestem - Ashy Sunflower Herbaceous Vegetation
  Scientific: Andropogon gerardii - Panicum virgatum - Schizachyrium scoparium - Schizachyrium tenerum - Helianthus mollis Herbaceous Vegetation
  Code: CEGL007938
  Common: Eastern Upland Coastal Prairie
  UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.684907 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo