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Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii / Menziesia ferruginea Forest | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii / Menziesia ferruginea Forest
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This association is a moist, higher elevation forest. It occurs in northern Idaho and much of the western third of Montana, northwestern Wyoming, and stretches into northeastern Washington and Oregon. It has been documented to occur in Alberta and British Columbia as well. <i>Menziesia ferruginea</i> distribution in the northern Rockies coincides with areas having maritime influence. It occurs on gentle and steep slopes, generally on the upper third of the slope, or on gentle benches where moisture is retained throughout the summer. In the southern and lower elevational limits of its range it is limited to north-facing, sheltered pockets. Elevational range is 1190 to 2500 m (3900-8200 feet). Soils are generally acidic, often silty to loamy, with high gravel content. <i>Abies lasiocarpa</i> and <i>Picea engelmannii</i> are the dominant overstory species. <i>Pinus contorta, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Pinus albicaulis, Tsuga heterophylla, Tsuga mertensiana</i>, and <i>Larix occidentalis</i> can be present in the over and under canopies as well. <i>Menziesia ferruginea</i> forms a dense shrub layer, usually between 1.2 and 1.8 m (4-6 feet) tall but can be shorter due to snow damage. Shorter shrubs often present include <i>Vaccinium scoparium</i> and <i>Vaccinium membranaceum</i>. <i>Arnica cordifolia</i> (or <i>Arnica latifolia</i>) and <i>Orthilia secunda</i> are nearly always present in the sparse herbaceous layer. <i>Xerophyllum tenax</i> may be present but never more than 5%. This association is distinguished from other <i>Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii / Menziesia ferruginea</i> types [see Similar Associations] by the lack of certain indicator species or their cover is less than 5% (for example, <i>Clintonia uniflora, Streptopus amplexifolius, Luzula glabrata var. hitchcockii</i>, or <i>Xerophyllum tenax</i>). 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:29228-{4839FE6D-5CDF-4B88-83A8-AB9A2412198E}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 06-Jan-2005 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.686742 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL000319
  Translated: Subalpine Fir - Engelmann Spruce / Rusty Menziesia Forest
  Scientific: Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii / Menziesia ferruginea Forest
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL000319
(similar) Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii / Menziesia ferruginea Forest
(similar) Abies lasiocarpa / Menziesia ferruginea Forest