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Populus tremuloides / Lonicera involucrata Forest | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Populus tremuloides / Lonicera involucrata Forest
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This subalpine riparian aspen forest association is widespread in the south-central Colorado Rocky Mountains. Sites are cool and wet and reported from southerly to northeasterly aspects. Elevations range from 2990 to 3110 m (9800-10,200 feet). Stands occur on lower slopes, benches, and flats along streams and in swales near springs and seeps. Slopes are gentle to moderate (&lt;30%) and may be undulating, possibly because of slumping when soils are saturated. Litter and duff cover the forest floor. The vegetation is characterized by <i>Populus tremuloides</i> dominating the nearly closed tree canopy and a dense (about 80% cover) short-shrub layer (1-2 m tall) dominated or codominated by <i>Lonicera involucrata</i>. Conifers (<i>Abies lasiocarpa</i> and <i>Picea engelmannii</i>) and <i>Populus balsamifera</i> may be present as subcanopy and understory species but are not abundant and make up less that 25% or the total tree canopy. <i>Salix monticola</i> and <i>Rosa woodsii</i> are typically abundant and consistent shrub species. The herbaceous layer is relatively depauperate (about 15%) and composed of mesic forbs and graminoids such as <i>Aconitum columbianum, Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex siccata, Fragaria virginiana, Maianthemum stellatum, Mertensia ciliata</i>, and <i>Thalictrum alpinum</i>. These forests typically have high plant diversity (about 37 species per plot). Diagnostic of this aspen forest association is the dense short-shrub layer dominated by <i>Lonicera involucrata</i>. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:29501-{EAD29034-BFAF-4B12-96A4-F8D4C1FE9727}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 01-Sep-2004 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.685611 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL000592
  Translated: Quaking Aspen / Twinberry Honeysuckle Forest
  Scientific: Populus tremuloides / Lonicera involucrata Forest
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL000592
(similar) Populus tremuloides / Lonicera involucrata Forest
(similar) Populus tremuloides / Lonicera involucrata Forest