Bouteloua eriopoda - Bouteloua curtipendula Grassland
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This semi-desert grassland occurs on bajadas and midslopes of small desert mountain ranges and mesas, from north-central to south-central New Mexico to southeastern Arizona and likely extends into northern Mexico. Elevations range from 1340 to 1975 m (4400-6475 feet). Slopes can be gentle to very steep and with variable aspects. Parent materials are sandstone and limestone colluvium, basalt colluvium or rock outcrop. Soils are sandy loam in texture, often with much gravel and rock on the soil surface (over 50% cover together). Soils may be shallow or of moderate depth with indurated carbonate layers. Ground cover is characterized by scattered bunchgrasses in a matrix of boulders and rocks. This association is characterized by sparse to moderate cover of perennial bunchgrasses, of which <i>Bouteloua eriopoda</i> and <i>Bouteloua curtipendula</i> are the most abundant and characteristic species. Several other perennial grasses may be present, including <i>Aristida</i> spp., <i>Dasyochloa pulchella, Bouteloua gracilis, Pleuraphis mutica</i>, and <i>Muhlenbergia porteri</i>. The forb component is variable and diverse with total forb cover less than 10% and often less than 5%. Forb species typical of these desert grasslands may include <i>Allionia incarnata, Bahia absinthifolia, Baileya multiradiata, Croton texensis, Gaillardia pulchella, Melampodium leucanthum, Penstemon fendleri</i>, and <i>Zinnia</i> spp. Most stands have scattered shrubs present, typically having less than 10% cover. Most species are microphyllous evergreens or succulents, the former including <i>Ephedra trifurca, Ephedra nevadensis, Gutierrezia sarothrae</i>, and <i>Gutierrezia microcephala</i>; the later including <i>Yucca elata, Yucca baccata</i>, and <i>Opuntia</i> spp. Other shrubs may include <i>Acacia constricta, Aloysia wrightii, Parthenium incanum</i>, and <i>Prosopis glandulosa</i>. The diagnostic characteristics of this sparse to moderately dense grassland are the codominance of <i>Bouteloua eriopoda</i> and <i>Bouteloua curtipendula</i> often with scattered <i>Ephedra</i> spp. or other desert shrubs.
Accession Code:{7AECE979-46AA-46CF-922D-1DB81BAC29ED}
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