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Cephalanthus occidentalis / Carex spp. - Lemna spp. Southern Shrub Swamp | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis / Carex spp. - Lemna spp. Southern Shrub Swamp
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This buttonbush shrubland occurs widely throughout the southeastern United States. Stands occupy shallow water depressions, oxbow ponds, beaver ponds, and backwater sloughs of stream and river floodplains. It also occurs in upland pond depressions. Inundation is usually continuous throughout the year, but these sites can become dry in mid or late summer or during periods of prolonged drought. In floodplain situations, soils are deep (1 m or more) consisting of peat or muck over alluvial parent material. <i>Cephalanthus occidentalis</i> comprises nearly 90% of the shrub layer in waters 1-2 m deep. Other shrubs commonly encountered may include <i>Cornus</i> sp. (<i>Cornus foemina</i> or <i>Cornus amomum</i> to the south and <i>Cornus sericea</i> to the north) and <i>Salix</i> spp. Sedges, including <i>Carex stipata, Carex stricta, Carex lurida</i>, and <i>Carex intumescens</i>, are the dominant herbaceous species present, although <i>Hibiscus</i> spp. can also form dense stands in shallower water. <i>Lemna</i> spp. and <i>Leersia oryzoides</i> are also common plants in this natural community. <i>Populus heterophylla</i> and <i>Nyssa biflora</i> or <i>Nyssa aquatica</i> may also occur within their range. Floristic characteristics that distinguish this type from more northern types are needed. This may occur as a long-persistent successional stage. This community can result from natural or artificial disturbance of hydrology. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:31100-{BA31D20B-2496-4F27-BE18-C92EB10ABB08}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 32
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 31-Oct-2005 to: ongoing
  • status: not accepted
  • This Community's Level: Association
  • This Community's Children: [none]
Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.689453
  Code: CEGL002191
  Translated: Common Buttonbush / Sedge species - Duckweed species Southern Shrub Swamp
  Common: Southern Buttonbush Pond
  Scientific: Cephalanthus occidentalis / Carex spp. - Lemna spp. Southern Shrub Swamp
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL002191
(similar) Cephalanthus occidentalis / Carex spp. - Lemna spp. Southern Shrubland
(similar) Cephalanthus occidentalis / Carex spp. - Lemna spp. Southern Shrubland