Schizachyrium scoparium - Sedum nuttallianum - Selaginella rupestris - Portulaca pilosa / Lichens Wooded Grassland
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This chert glade community is found in the Ozarks region of the United States, particularly in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Stands occur on level to moderately steep slopes with any aspect or on the valley walls of tributaries of larger streams and rivers. The soil is absent to shallow (0-40 cm) and very rapidly drained. The nearly impervious parent material is massive brecciated chert. Stratified bedrock, scattered chert fragments, fine-flaking shale, or boulders are present, and small depressions fill with water in the spring. The community is also affected by extreme drought and infrequent fires. It is dominated by mid grasses, although forbs, mosses, and lichens are very common. <i>Coreopsis lanceolata, Schizachyrium scoparium, Selaginella rupestris</i>, and <i>Sporobolus neglectus</i> are the most common herbaceous plants. <i>Marshallia caespitosa, Portulaca pilosa, Portulaca oleracea</i>, and <i>Dracopis amplexicaulis</i> are also characteristic. In Arkansas additional common species include <i>Sedum pulchellum, Phemeranthus calycinus, Croton michauxii var. ellipticus, Plantago aristata, Agrostis elliottiana, Danthonia spicata, Hordeum pusillum, Oenothera linifolia, Astragalus distortus</i>, and <i>Ruellia humilis</i>. Stunted <i>Quercus marilandica</i> are the most likely trees to occur on the thin soils of this type. The vernal pools support certain ephemeral species not adapted to the droughty conditions that prevail in the community.
Accession Code:{F4886779-63D6-4734-823E-1AC72A0083CC}
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