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Pinus banksiana - Picea mariana / Vaccinium spp. / Pleurozium schreberi Forest | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Pinus banksiana - Picea mariana / Vaccinium spp. / Pleurozium schreberi Forest
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This jack pine - black spruce forest type is found in the boreal regions of central Canada and the adjacent United States. Stands occur on flat areas and gentle upper and lower slopes but not on ridges or valley floors. Soils are moderately deep (60-80 cm) sands, coarse loams, or silts with boulders often present at or near the surface. <i>Pinus banksiana</i> is usually the dominant canopy species but has little successful reproduction. <i>Picea mariana</i> is of secondary importance in the canopy but often the most abundant tree species in the lower strata. Other trees found in this community include <i>Abies balsamea, Acer rubrum, Picea glauca</i>, and <i>Populus tremuloides</i>. Tall and low shrubs are moderately common, while herbaceous species are infrequent. Mosses, especially <i>Pleurozium schreberi</i>, are abundant. Common shrubs are the tall shrubs <i>Alnus viridis, Amelanchier</i> spp., and <i>Corylus cornuta</i>, and the low shrubs <i>Diervilla lonicera, Gaultheria procumbens, Vaccinium angustifolium</i>, and <i>Vaccinium myrtilloides</i>. Herbaceous species include <i>Eurybia macrophylla, Clintonia borealis, Cornus canadensis</i>, and <i>Maianthemum canadense</i>. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:31356-{448C868E-5AE7-4FFE-B144-55FF119AE384}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 18
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 07-Mar-1996 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.686798 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL002448
  Translated: Jack Pine - Black Spruce / Blueberry species / Schreber's Big Red-stem Moss Forest
  Common: Jack Pine - Black Spruce / Red-stem Moss Forest
  Scientific: Pinus banksiana - Picea mariana / Vaccinium spp. / Pleurozium schreberi Forest
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) Pinus banksiana - Picea mariana / Vaccinium spp. / Pleurozium schreberi Forest
(similar) CEGL002448
(similar) Pinus banksiana - Picea mariana / Vaccinium spp. / Pleurozium schreberi Forest