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Yucca brevifolia / Pleuraphis rigida Wooded Grassland | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Yucca brevifolia / Pleuraphis rigida Wooded Grassland
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: Stands are typically open woodlands, and shrubs are usually present and variable in species and cover. This association is dominated by <i>Yucca brevifolia</i> in the emergent tree layer and in the herbaceous layer by <i>Pleuraphis rigida</i> and the exotic <i>Bromus rubens</i>. The sparse to open shrub layer includes a variety of characteristic species such as <i>Hymenoclea salsola, Cylindropuntia echinocarpa</i>, and <i>Salazaria mexicana</i>. <i>Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus, Ephedra nevadensis, Lycium andersonii, Lycium cooperi</i>, and <i>Yucca schidigera</i> are often found in the shrub layer. The understory herb layer includes <i>Amaranthus</i> sp. and the exotic species <i>Erodium cicutarium</i>. This association is known to occur at mid elevations along alluvial fans and plains and low slopes in California and Nevada, including Joshua Tree National Park in the southern Mojave (Pinto Basin and Mountains subsection) and southern California Mountains and Valleys (Little San Bernardino and Bighorn Basin subsection). Stands at Joshua Tree National Park are found at mid elevations (1000-1400 m [3300-4500 feet]) on linear slopes of arroyos, bottom/plains, toeslopes (alluvial fans or bajadas), and alluvial deposits undergoing dissection. These sites tend to be on mostly north-facing and occasionally west-facing, gentle (1-2°) slopes. Soil textures range from coarse loamy sand to loam derived from granite and sometimes silty alluvium parent material. These sites generally experience high levels of disturbance from exotic species. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:31632-{B75CA51F-6BC8-480D-9079-367794139E3A}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 20-Aug-2018 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.683999 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL002725
  Translated: Joshua Tree / Big Galleta Wooded Grassland
  Scientific: Yucca brevifolia / Pleuraphis rigida Wooded Grassland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) Yucca brevifolia / Pleuraphis rigida Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation
(similar) CEGL002725
(similar) Yucca brevifolia / Pleuraphis rigida Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation