Populus angustifolia / Invasive Perennial Grasses Ruderal Riparian Woodland
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This riparian association occurs in the foothill and lower montane zones of the Rocky Mountains extending west into the Great Basin and east onto the northern plains. Sites are between 945 and 2490 m (3100-8160 feet) elevation and are found along streams and rivers in broad valleys to narrow canyons. Stands extend onto the floodplain and stream terraces. Generally, soils are well-drained sand, loam or silt with river gravels and cobbles mixed within the matrix. This vegetation is characterized by a moderately open to closed (50-90%c over) tree canopy 10-15-m tall dominated by <i>Populus angustifolia</i>, with an understory dominated by introduced perennial grasses without a notable shrub layer. <i>Acer negundo, Fraxinus velutina, Populus fremontii</i> (in the southwestern part of range), or <i>Salix amygdaloides</i> are often present, and <i>Juniperus scopulorum, Juniperus monosperma</i>, or <i>Juniperus deppeana</i> may be common in subcanopy. Shrubs are absent or present only as scattered individuals. The moderately dense to dense herbaceous layer is frequently dominated or codominated by <i>Poa pratensis, Bromus inermis</i>, or other introduced graminoids, such as <i>Agrostis stolonifera, Agrostis gigantea, Alopecurus geniculatus, Elymus repens, Dactylis glomerata</i>, and <i>Phleum pratense</i>. Native graminoids are often present but have low cover and may include <i>Carex</i> spp., <i>Bromus porteri, Elymus canadensis, Elymus trachycaulus, Juncus arcticus ssp. littoralis</i>, and <i>Pascopyrum smithii</i>. Forb diversity is moderately high but variable. The introduced invasives <i>Cirsium arvense, Melilotus officinalis</i>, and <i>Taraxacum officinale</i> are common on disturbed sites. Adjacent, lower alluvial bars may be dominated by <i>Salix</i> spp. and <i>Alnus</i> spp. and occasionally emergent wetlands. Uplands may be open grasslands and hillslopes that support mixed coniferous spruce-fir forests on north-facing aspects and pine or juniper woodlands on south-facing slopes.
Accession Code:{83994F32-C530-44F6-A408-AA284ACC8570}
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