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Quercus laurifolia - Quercus (lyrata, phellos) - Nyssa biflora West Gulf Riparian Forest | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Quercus laurifolia - Quercus (lyrata, phellos) - Nyssa biflora West Gulf Riparian Forest
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This is a wet bottomland forest of the West Gulf Coastal Plain. The canopy of stands of this type have no clear dominant species and contain <i>Quercus laurifolia, Nyssa biflora, Quercus phellos</i>, and/or <i>Quercus lyrata</i>. Other species characteristic of this association include <i>Quercus nigra, Liquidambar styraciflua, Ulmus americana</i>, and <i>Acer rubrum</i>. The shrub and herbaceous layers are usually sparse. Some possible components are <i>Berchemia scandens, Ditrysinia fruticosa, Itea virginica, Sabal minor, Justicia ovata, Proserpinaca pectinata, Hymenocallis</i> sp., and <i>Saururus cernuus</i>. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:32712-{322AE755-F7A9-4076-936C-A4E5D7154BF7}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 2
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 20-May-2002 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.686846 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL003854
  Translated: Laurel Oak - (Overcup Oak, Willow Oak) - Swamp Tupelo West Gulf Riparian Forest
  Common: West Gulf Coastal Plain Laurel Oak Floodplain Forest
  Scientific: Quercus laurifolia - Quercus (lyrata, phellos) - Nyssa biflora West Gulf Riparian Forest
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL003854
(similar) Quercus laurifolia - Quercus (lyrata, phellos) - Nyssa biflora West Gulf Floodplain Forest
(similar) Quercus laurifolia - Quercus (lyrata, phellos) - Nyssa biflora West Gulf Floodplain Forest