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Taxodium ascendens / Fraxinus caroliniana - Cephalanthus occidentalis - (Planera aquatica) Floodplain Woodland | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Taxodium ascendens / Fraxinus caroliniana - Cephalanthus occidentalis - (Planera aquatica) Floodplain Woodland
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This association occurs in distinctive, deeply flooded abandoned channel segments along sandy blackwater rivers. Vegetation is depauperate because of the extremely long flooding and acidic soils. The canopy is dominated by <i>Taxodium ascendens</i> and is often open. It may have a woodland structure rather than forest. The trees characteristically have very large buttresses and small trunks. A dense subcanopy or low canopy is present in at least part of the community. It is generally dominated by <i>Fraxinus caroliniana</i> or <i>Planera aquatica</i>, with <i>Cephalanthus occidentalis</i> abundant. <i>Ilex amelanchier</i> may also be present. There is little shrub layer. In times of low water, a dense herb layer of <i>Eleocharis baldwinii, Juncus repens</i>, and <i>Eragrostis hypnoides</i> is often present. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:33122-{AFD77F65-681A-4FB4-A0AF-34691766E0F2}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 12-Jan-2009 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.820688 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL004289
  Translated: Pond-cypress / Carolina Ash - Common Buttonbush - (Planertree) Floodplain Woodland
  Common: Atlantic Coastal Plain Blackwater Cove Woodland
  Scientific: Taxodium ascendens / Fraxinus caroliniana - Cephalanthus occidentalis - (Planera aquatica) Floodplain Woodland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) Taxodium ascendens / Fraxinus caroliniana - Cephalanthus occidentalis - (Planera aquatica) Woodland