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Diphylleia cymosa - Saxifraga micranthidifolia - Laportea canadensis Forested Herbaceous Seep | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Diphylleia cymosa - Saxifraga micranthidifolia - Laportea canadensis Forested Herbaceous Seep
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This community occurs at moderate to high elevations of the southern Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee, southwestern Virginia, northern Georgia, and probably northwestern South Carolina. It is a characteristic association of shaded seeps of the southern Appalachian Mountains, usually with overhanging canopies, though trees are not rooted in the seep itself. They often are not large enough to be readily mappable, but they are a distinctive habitat for many plants, invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Stands typically contain <i>Diphylleia cymosa, Saxifraga micranthidifolia</i>, and <i>Laportea canadensis</i>. Other characteristic species include <i>Cardamine clematitis, Chelone lyonii, Chelone glabra, Chrysosplenium americanum, Boykinia aconitifolia, Cicuta maculata, Houstonia serpyllifolia, Viola cucullata, Viola macloskeyi ssp. pallens, Lilium grayi, Oxypolis rigidior, Parnassia asarifolia, Tiarella cordifolia, Thalictrum clavatum, Trautvetteria caroliniensis, Stellaria corei</i>, and <i>Geum geniculatum</i>. Occurrences associated with more acidic soil conditions often contain <i>Juncus gymnocarpus</i>. This association often occurs in cove forests, and the canopy species may include <i>Liriodendron tulipifera, Tilia americana, Fraxinus americana, Acer saccharum</i>, and <i>Aesculus flava</i>. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:33129-{A7872D7A-F90A-400A-A2A1-89CF9C7C8BC6}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 4
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 01-Jul-1996 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.689563 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL004296
  Translated: American Umbrella-leaf - Lettuceleaf Saxifrage - Canadian Woodnettle Forested Herbaceous Seep
  Common: Rich Montane Seep (Cove Type)
  Scientific: Diphylleia cymosa - Saxifraga micranthidifolia - Laportea canadensis Forested Herbaceous Seep
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) Diphylleia cymosa - Saxifraga micranthidifolia - Laportea canadensis Herbaceous Vegetation
(similar) CEGL004296
(similar) Diphylleia cymosa - Saxifraga micranthidifolia - Laportea canadensis Herbaceous Vegetation