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Asplenium montanum - Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora - Silene rotundifolia Cliff Sparse Vegetation | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Asplenium montanum - Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora - Silene rotundifolia Cliff Sparse Vegetation
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This community occurs on relatively dry, exposed vertical sandstone cliffs in the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia, and Alabama. Vegetation consists of scattered individuals of <i>Asplenium montanum, Silene rotundifolia</i>, and other species rooted in crevices and erosion pockets. In some parts its range, this community is the primary or sole habitat for rare endemic species, such as <i>Minuartia cumberlandensis</i>. The vegetation is generally very sparse, owing to rock characteristics. Occasional well-developed crevices and seepages with more moisture and soil development are the primary locations where most vascular plants occur. <i>Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora, Silene rotundifolia, Asplenium montanum, Asplenium bradleyi, Mitchella repens, Kalmia latifolia</i>, and <i>Decumaria barbara</i> are primary species present. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:33183-{1786627A-644D-4CDA-80C6-F4F533FC852B}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 01-Jan-1996 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.684075 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL004392
  Translated: Mountain Spleenwort - Little-flower Alumroot - Roundleaf Catchfly Cliff Sparse Vegetation
  Common: Cumberland Plateau Sandstone Cliff (Dry Type)
  Scientific: Asplenium montanum - Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora - Silene rotundifolia Cliff Sparse Vegetation
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) Asplenium montanum - Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora - Silene rotundifolia Sparse Vegetation
(similar) Asplenium montanum - Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora - Silene rotundifolia Sparse Vegetation
(similar) CEGL004392