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Pinus palustris / Asimina angustifolia / Aristida beyrichiana - Schizachyrium scoparium - Dyschoriste oblongifolia Woodland | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Pinus palustris / Asimina angustifolia / Aristida beyrichiana - Schizachyrium scoparium - Dyschoriste oblongifolia Woodland
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This dry-mesic <i>Pinus palustris</i> woodland is found in the Dougherty Plain and the Tifton Upland of southwestern Georgia. It also has been documented from the Marianna Lowlands of the Florida Panhandle and should be expected to occur in the Dougherty Plain of southeastern Alabama. Stands are dominated by <i>Pinus palustris</i>, with <i>Asimina angustifolia, Aristida beyrichiana, Schizachyrium scoparium</i>, and <i>Dyschoriste oblongifolia</i> occurring as constant and diagnostic species. Other distinctive and characteristic species include <i>Croton argyranthemus, Ceanothus microphyllus, Tephrosia florida, Pediomelum canescens, Sorghastrum secundum</i>, and <i>Schizachyrium tenerum</i>. A large number of other species can be found in examples of this association which has a very high diversity of grass, legume and composite components. Many plots will include over one hundred species of vascular plants. It typically occupies undulating terrain with relatively high topographic variability and is associated with Ocala limestone in a karst setting at examples documented from the Jones Ecological Research Center (Ichauway). It also occurs on the Miccosukee Formation (Pliocene unconsolidated clays and mud) in the Tifton Upland. Examples from the Marianna Lowlands occur on residuum deposited over Oligocene sediments on portions of the Chattahoochee "Anticline." 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:33271-{16F5B765-CF43-4DAC-ABD7-A29E26280680}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 40
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 22-Nov-2013 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.684047 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL004485
  Translated: Longleaf Pine / Slimleaf Pawpaw / Beyrich's Three-awn - Little Bluestem - Oblongleaf Snakeherb Woodland
  Common: East Gulf Coast Dougherty Plain Dry-Mesic Longleaf Pine Woodland
  Scientific: Pinus palustris / Asimina angustifolia / Aristida beyrichiana - Schizachyrium scoparium - Dyschoriste oblongifolia Woodland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL004485
(similar) Pinus palustris / Asimina angustifolia / Aristida beyrichiana - Schizachyrium scoparium - Dyschoriste oblongifolia Woodland
(similar) Pinus palustris / Asimina angustifolia / Aristida beyrichiana - Schizachyrium scoparium - Dyschoriste oblongifolia Woodland