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Picea glauca - Thuja occidentalis - Juniperus communis / Iris lacustris - Carex eburnea Shrubland | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Picea glauca - Thuja occidentalis - Juniperus communis / Iris lacustris - Carex eburnea Shrubland
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: The scrub conifer / dwarf lake iris alvar shrubland type is found in the central Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada, in northern Michigan, and in Ontario on the southern shores of Manitoulin Island and the Bruce Peninsula. Stands occur on very shallow organic soils (usually 20-30 cm deep) over flat limestone or dolostone outcrops (pavements). This community has a characteristic soil moisture regime of seasonal flooding or saturation in early spring and late fall, combined with summer dry periods in most years (except unusually wet years). This community often occurs as openings within a forested landscape; it is not always associated with other alvar communities. When it occurs in a landscape mosaic with other alvar communities, it typically occurs as small patches adjacent to little bluestem alvar grassland, creeping juniper - shrubby cinquefoil alvar pavement, and tufted hairgrass wet alvar grassland. Scrub conifer / dwarf lake iris alvar shrubland has over 25% cover of tall and short shrubs. The tall shrubs (2-5 m tall) in this shrubland are scrub forms of tree species such as <i>Picea glauca, Thuja occidentalis, Larix laricina</i>, and <i>Abies balsamea</i>. There is less than 10% cover of trees over 5 m tall. The typical short shrubs (0.5-2 m tall) are <i>Juniperus communis, Prunus virginiana, Diervilla lonicera, Shepherdia canadensis, Cornus sericea</i>, and <i>Rhamnus alnifolia</i>. Underneath and between the shrubs is a 'lawn' dominated by <i>Iris lacustris</i> and <i>Carex eburnea</i>. Other characteristic species are <i>Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Carex richardsonii</i>, and <i>Danthonia spicata</i>. The herbaceous layer has an average of 82% cover. Less than 10% of the ground surface is exposed bedrock, including bedrock covered with lichens and mosses. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:33974-{B898F120-832A-44BC-A16E-8FCF6CF7B2E2}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 4
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 18-Nov-1998 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.690045 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL005211
  Translated: White Spruce - Northern White-cedar - Common Juniper / Dwarf Lake Iris - Bristleleaf Sedge Shrubland
  Common: Scrub Conifer / Dwarf Lake Iris Alvar Shrubland
  Scientific: Picea glauca - Thuja occidentalis - Juniperus communis / Iris lacustris - Carex eburnea Shrubland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) CEGL005211
(similar) Picea glauca - Thuja occidentalis - Juniperus communis / Iris lacustris - Carex eburnea Shrubland
(similar) Picea glauca - Thuja occidentalis - Juniperus communis / Iris lacustris - Carex eburnea Shrubland