Schizachyrium scoparium - Sorghastrum nutans - Dalea candida - Liatris squarrosa - (Silphium terebinthinaceum) Black Belt Grassland
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This herbaceous association includes tallgrass prairies of the Black Belt of Alabama, Mississippi, and southern Tennessee (McNairy County), with outlying occurrences southwards in the Chunnenuggee Hills, Red Hills, and Lime Hills of southern Alabama (in Washington, Wilcox, Monroe, and Clark counties). This community occurs on calcareous soils of the Sumter and Binnsville series, described as beds of marly clay over Selma Chalk. In Alabama, the formations on which this system primarily occurs are the Demopolis Chalk and the Mooreville Chalk. In Tennessee, only the Demopolis is mapped. The area has an average annual precipitation of 130-140 cm and a frost-free period of 200-250 days. This prairie is dominated by <i>Andropogon glomeratus, Andropogon virginicus, Bouteloua curtipendula, Panicum virgatum, Schizachyrium scoparium</i>, and <i>Sorghastrum nutans</i>, with lesser amounts of <i>Paspalum floridanum, Setaria parviflora</i>, and <i>Sporobolus indicus</i> (exotic). <i>Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana</i> may invade examples. Moist, seepy inclusions within this herbaceous matrix are often dominated by <i>Rhynchospora colorata</i> and <i>Scleria verticillata</i>; <i>Rhynchospora divergens, Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum, Mitreola petiolata</i>, and <i>Gratiola floridana</i> also occur but much less frequently.
Accession Code:{D886746D-74C3-421D-91FC-1579E44D2474}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: