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Quercus turbinella - Ptelea trifoliata - Fraxinus anomala Mesic Shrubland | NatureServe Biotics 2019
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Name: Quercus turbinella - Ptelea trifoliata - Fraxinus anomala Mesic Shrubland
Reference: NatureServe Biotics 2019
Description: This scrub oak shrubland association is currently described from Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. More survey and classification work are needed to fully characterize this type. It occurs on sideslopes and in drainages at 975 to 1350 m (3200-3950 feet) elevation, but can occur as high as 1600 m (5300 feet). It favors moderately steep gradients (23-35°) on northern aspects, but can also occur on much gentler slopes (4-6°). Soils are well- to rapidly-drained silty loams or loamy sands. The underlying geology is typically limestone or sandstone. Vegetation is codominated by three different shrub species: the tall shrub <i>Ptelea trifoliata</i>, the tall shrub <i>Fraxinus anomala</i>, and the short shrub <i>Quercus turbinella</i>. The canopy trees <i>Pinus edulis</i> and <i>Juniperus osteosperma</i> occasionally occur. The short-shrub stratum also commonly includes <i>Rhus trilobata, Ephedra aspera</i>, and <i>Ceanothus greggii</i>. <i>Agave utahensis</i> and <i>Gutierrezia sarothrae</i> occur from time to time in a very sparse dwarf-shrub layer. <i>Poa fendleriana, Bromus rubens</i>, and <i>Achnatherum speciosum</i> occasionally occur in the very sparse graminoid layer. <i>Artemisia ludoviciana</i> is the only species which regularly occurs in the fairly weak forb understory. 
Accession Code: urn:lsid:vegbank.org:commConcept:33925-{042D0420-4A2B-4102-9844-98CB864B4C1C}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: 0
      Party Perspective according to: NatureServe (organization)
Perspective from: 29-Jul-2010 to: ongoing
      Names:   UID: ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.840630 NatureServe ExplorerNatureServe Explorer logo
  Code: CEGL005160
  Translated: Sonoran Scrub Oak - Common Hoptree - Singleleaf Ash Mesic Shrubland
  Scientific: Quercus turbinella - Ptelea trifoliata - Fraxinus anomala Mesic Shrubland
(convergence) and Synonyms:
(similar) Quercus turbinella - Ptelea trifoliata - Fraxinus anomala Mesic Shrubland