Cladium mariscoides - Drosera intermedia - Eleocharis rostellata Coastal Fen
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This association comprises "sea-level fens" of the central and north Atlantic Coast. These are small-patch communities occurring at the edge of salt marshes adjacent to sandy or gravelly slopes where there is acidic, oligotrophic groundwater seepage. Although its association with salt marshes is diagnostic, it is only infrequently influenced by salt or brackish overwash during unusually high tides. The physiognomy is dominated by herbs, occasionally with some scattered shrubs or short trees. The diagnostic species include <i>Cladium mariscoides, Rhynchospora alba, Eleocharis rostellata, Drosera intermedia</i>, and <i>Schoenoplectus pungens</i>. Other associated species may include <i>Symphyotrichum novi-belgii, Carex exilis, Carex hormathodes, Carex leptalea, Eleocharis fallax, Juncus canadensis, Juncus pelocarpus, Lysimachia terrestris, Rosa palustris, Vaccinium macrocarpon, Sanguisorba canadensis, Teucrium canadense</i>, and <i>Schoenoplectus americanus</i> and <i>Eriocaulon decangulare</i> in the southern portion of the association range. Woody species occurring at low cover may include <i>Morella pensylvanica, Baccharis halimifolia, Juniperus virginiana, Iva frutescens</i>, and in the southern portion of the range, <i>Morella cerifera</i>. Substrate is sedgy peat over sand or gravel.
Accession Code:{FD158BC5-3559-4B08-94A5-FB464EBADFB6}
Plot-observations of this Community Concept: