Quercus muehlenbergii / Cercis canadensis / Bromus pubescens - Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus - Aquilegia canadensis Forest
NatureServe Biotics 2019
This dry, open, calcareous forest of the Coastal Plain of Virginia and Maryland is restricted to subxeric to xeric, fertile habitats over unconsolidated, calcareous deposits. These localized habitats are found on southeast- to southwest-facing, usually convex slopes of deep ravines or stream-fronting bluffs that have downcut into Tertiary shell deposits or limesands. Occurrences are small (typically <1 acre) and highly localized in dissected portions of the Virginia Inner Coastal Plain and Maryland Outer Coastal Plain. <i>Quercus muehlenbergii</i> is a constant, codominant or dominant canopy tree and is the most characteristic tree of this type. Some stands tend toward a woodland physiognomy, with low-statured, gnarled trees and a very open canopy. The understory includes <i>Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana</i> and <i>Cercis canadensis var. canadensis</i>. The herb layer is usually patchy but contains a diversity of species, including several long-range mountain disjuncts. Particularly abundant or noteworthy herbaceous species include <i>Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus, Dichanthelium boscii, Bromus pubescens</i>, and <i>Aquilegia canadensis</i>. Other locally important species are <i>Carex albicans, Matelea carolinensis, Elymus hystrix var. hystrix, Elymus villosus, Solidago ulmifolia var. ulmifolia, Symphyotrichum patens, Arabis laevigata, Verbesina virginica var. virginica, Campanulastrum americanum, Smallanthus uvedalius, Silphium trifoliatum var. trifoliatum, Desmodium pauciflorum, Hexalectris spicata</i>, and <i>Piptochaetium avenaceum</i>.
Accession Code:{310DE32D-6A06-4FC5-B9CD-E8B633624278}
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